How To…Clean Your eGrip

 Now before you go and try this yourself, I just wanted to put a disclaimer out there that this is my own personal method that I have come up with after doing some research on various cleaning techniques. It may be off a bit or it may be spot on for some but it has worked continually for me while extending the life of the coil and the device itself. I have cleaned my eGrip plenty of times while switching out juices and this process has not failed me yet.
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Aspire BVC’s Compatible With The eGrip?!?

As an avid Joyetech eGrip user I was pretty excited when shortly after it was released that there was an announcement made that a RBA was going to be released in the near future. I loved the device as is but an upgrade like this is a can’t miss. And, it gives me a good reason to practice the fine art of rebuilding. Then, I discovered that vapors found a way to make the Aspire Bottom Vertical Coils compatible with the eGrip = mind blown.
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